3 min read

Phonics screening notes


I took some notes at the phonics screening meeting this evening - I thought they might be useful to share with the whole class group via email.

The teachers are going to circulate the powerpoint slides from the meeting and some examples of the words they will have to read,

  • Phonics Screening is a national ‘test’ that takes place in Year 1 in the second week in June.

  • It is to see if the phonics program is working nationally and how well the school is implementing it, it is not a test of the child.

  • Nothing to worry about, it isn’t stressful for the children.

  • All children take part.

  • If a child is unwell they can take it the next day

  • The ‘test’ takes place with a teacher the child knows, one to one, outside the classroom in a quiet space

  • They have to read 40 words, 20 real and 20 pseudo/nonsense words

  • It takes approx 10 minutes, but each child can take as long as they want, there is no time limit. If they are tired the teacher will let them take a break.

  • They have to read the word, and are encouraged to sound and blend - i.e. read each sound out, then the full word

  • If the auto correct and get it right the second time, they get the mark

  • Regional accents are not a problem - they have a range of pronunciations they can accept

  • The teacher makes a note of which ones they are getting right as they do them, but without it being too obvious that they are marking them

  • There is a picture of an alien next to the pseudo/nonsense words

  • The approx pass rate is 32, but government changes this each year

  • A report is sent to parents by the end of the summer term with the child’s results and whether they have passed the threshold

  • If they haven’t reached the threshold the child does the screening again in Year 2.

  • The school and Ofsted analyse the results

  • Europa marks are usually below the national average due to the second (and sometimes third or more) language, but by Year 3 they have caught up

  • Teacher that will do the screening with 1EE is still TBC, but may be Mrs Stables as she knows them, they know her, and she is strong on phonics

  • How to support your child

    • read with them, ask them why words are tricky;

    • look at the sounds mats for phases 3 and 5;

    Phase 3 sound mat

    Download phase 3 sound mat

    Phase 5 sound mat

    Download phase 5 sound mat
