1 min read

Spellings and fireworks Poem

Dear Parents,

This week’s words to learn are: 1. head 2. bread 3. meant 4. road 5. coat 6. coach 7. child 8. children 9. wild 10. climb

The first five words will remind the children that when “two vowels go together, the first one says its name”. The last five words are tricky words from the Year 2 list.

I am also attaching the fireworks poem which the children wrote this week. It is wonderful and is displayed outside the classroom with their firework artwork. I thought you might appreciate a copy.

Ask your children about the suspension bridge they built today; or about how they waterproofed fabric with wax. They could tell you what they would put into the Mr Haktak’s brass pot or what makes “magic ten”!

Warmest wishes,

Liz Cook