1 min read

Coming events

Dear parents and guardians,

Next week we will be working on the elaboration of some objects using some of the materials that we have studied in our science lessons (wood, plastic, cotton, wool, metal, stone, etc.). We will ask the children to make something using at least 3 different materials. Please help your children find something they can bring and maybe plan ahead in time what object they can make at school. Some examples could be: a musical instrument, a toy, clothes, decorations, etc. Please be aware of the allergies in the classroom. No nuts, kiwi, egg, milk, dairy, sesame seeds including humous.

Just a reminder that the Christmas concert for year 2 will take place on Monday 10th December at school in the Schuman Hall from 9:10am.

Ms Cook and I will be meeting parents on Wednesday 5th and Wednesday 12th. All parents should have a time slot already asigned, as you chose your most convenient time through schoolbase. We would appreciate if you could come on time in order to have a smooth and progressive evening.

Thanks for all your help from home.

Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Jose A Ruiz-Martinez