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SATs info eve tomorrow 5pm, Book Fair competition and fancy dress

Dear Parents,

I hope you had a relaxing and happy half term. This is just a note to say I am looking forward to seeing you for the SATs INFORMATION EVENING in 2EE classroom tomorrow at 5pm.

Next week the BOOK FAIR will be held in the chapel every day from 15.45 until 16.15. Please come and support the school by buying a book if you can.

Linked to the book fair there is a COMPETITION to design an A4 extraordinary/interesting word poster. These words will be displayed at the book fair. The prize is a £5 book voucher to be spent at the book fair. Competition entries need to be in school by the end of this week on Friday (apologies for short notice, I’ve only just heard about it).

On Thursday 7th March it is WORLD BOOK DAY. Children are invited to come to school dressed up as a book character. Please encourage them to bring in a favourite book from home for the day to share.

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow evening.

Warmest wishes,

Liz Cook