2 min read

SATs presentation this evening

Dear Parents,

Many thanks to those of who were able to join us this evening to learn more about the national UK Year 2 assessments. If you were unable to attend, please do ask the other parents for their feedback.

Please find attached the powerpoint presentation which we shared.

It would be wonderful if you could support your child over the coming months prior to May in becoming confident to:

  • Spell the tricky words included in slide 22.

  • Remember their 2, 5, 10 (and 3) times tables.

  • Continue to build confidence in reading comprehension.

  • Approach maths questions happily using the strategies they have learnt.

We will forward past SATs papers to you, so that you can use them as a guide to help you support your child in any areas they find difficult. Slides 24 - 28 of the attached presentation give you some strategies for supporting maths. If you feel your child needs any extra practice in maths - The Bond No Nonsense Maths book (£5.99 from Amazon) has some exercises you may find useful:

Or for more confident mathematicians:

Your children will, we hope, be thrilled that you are interested in working with them on their learning. They do not need to know that they will be “tested” on it. Our hope is that they will continue to be excited by learning and feel motivated to enjoy numbers and words for their own sake.

Many thanks for all your support.

Warmest wishes,

Liz and Jose

PowerPoint   PDF