1 min read

Science next week

Dear parents,

This week we have been learning about plants we eat during our science lessons. The children have been learning that we may eat either a root (carrot, beetroot,…), a stem (celery, asparagus,…), leaves (lettuce, spinach, …), flowers (artichoke, coliflower, brocoli, …), seeds (peas, beans, …), etc.

We are planning to do a healthy snack lesson on Monday trying to combine all of these products in a green salad. We would appreciate if you could pack for your child some of these products in small ziplock bags or tupper, ideally chopped in long sticks or ready to eat. We want them to classify first in different bowls and then combine them to eat them.

Thanks in advance for all of your help.

Sincerely yours,

Jose Ruiz