1 min read

Spellings and falconry

Dear Parents,

I hope the children have already told you about the wonderful day we had yesterday at Millets Falconry. They held a northern white faced owl called “Quintessa” and learnt that owls have different coloured eyes depending on when they hunt. Please find photos attached (the app has duplicated some, apologies).

Today they planted sunflower seeds – one for Mum and one for themselves as a gift for Mother’s on Sunday’s UK Mother’s day. They also have two hidden cards for you in their book bag, so please remind them if they forget to get them out.

This afternoon they heard about the Persian New Year and the haft-sin table of seven foods beginning with the letter “s” in Farsi pronounced “sin”. They can tell you about what the foods represent at the spring equinox thanks to Kaveh’s mother.

Spellings for next week are:

  1. better

  2. chatter

  3. under

  4. summer

  5. winter

  6. sister

  7. father

  8. butter

  9. brother

  10. mother

Many thanks to all those of you who helped us out this week. It was much appreciated.

Have a happy weekend in the sunshine!

Warmest wishes,

Liz Cook