1 min read

Fun Run, Toilet Rolls and Spellings

Dear Parents,

We have had fun this week developing a play about the rainforest, making beautiful poetry using the word if and creating illustrations for a special card. We have played with in-between numbers, built towers as teams and each child has lit their own forest school fire with a flint and steel.

Please support your child in learning to spell these words with suffixes:

  1. enjoy

  2. enjoyed

  3. enjoyment

  4. sadly

  5. sadness

  6. careful

  7. hopeful

  8. hopeless

  9. playful

  10. plainness

If the spellings are too hard for your child. Please focus on learning the days of the week instead.

Next week we will be making some models in class. It would be great if you could send in any old toilet rolls (just the cardboard middle bits) if you have any spare. We will share them out between the children.

On Friday it is the school Fun Run, so please send the children to school in clothes which are comfortable to run in and sports shoes. Later that day we will be cooking in Forest School, so they will still need their outdoor weather gear too. Thanks to everyone for making sure we had the right clothes to take the full class out in spite of the weather today.

Happy weekend.

Warmest wishes,

Liz Cook