5 min read

3EE parents meetings, Christmas cards, violins, author visits, museum artefacts, class reps

Dear 3EE parents,

As yet we have no class reps, this is a shared role and could be shared I am sure between more than two people but without any reps it will make raising money for the class at the Christmas fair and organising other events quite tricky. It doesn’t need to be a big role, make of it what you choose but it would be really helpful to have some reps. Please get in touch if you are interested in helping.

Individual parents meetings with Sofia and I to discuss the children’s development and progress will be held on Wednesday 20th November, the starting time will be 1pm and meetings will be 10 mins for each child. Bookings will be open on schoolbase nearer the time however it would be helpful if you could email to indicate roughly which time you are hoping to book a slot for, 13.00-14.00, 14.00-15.00, 15.00-17.00, 17.00-18.30. Please be reassured that we will make appointments run to time.

In our DoW topic we are currently looking at the 1950s, 60s, 70s and had a fantastic visit into school by the museums service - do ask your children about it. If your child has an interesting object (toy/ food packet /phone /utensil /gadget /magazine) from one of those decades it would be lovely if they are able to bring it in next week on Monday or Tuesday (we will be looking at it on Tuesday) and then take it home on Wednesday so that the class can share in examining it and finding out more about it. If it is precious or fragile or expensive please just bring in a photo of the object as although we will of course do our best to ensure the children handle objects carefully then accidents can happen. That said if you are accepting of the risks it would be great for the children to be able to handle some objects. If they can bring in a little note about what it is and how old it is that would be even better but we can of course do some research in class too!

It may seem early but we have already completed our Christmas card designs. These are being sent off by PTA volunteers in the last week of October so once that has been completed you will be able to follow a link to view your child’s design and order any cards, cushions, mugs, t-shirts and more with their design on it.

The letter with this link on is coming home today, if you lose the link please let us know as Louise has kindly kept a record of the codes each child has. Apologies for any delay but you will need to wait until the artwork has been sent off and processed to be able to view and order things.

Violin letters - these are coming home today, they explain the process of borrowing a violin (which is free of charge) once we have the permission letters back we can organise for violins to come home. If you think you are able to safely carry a cello home and back to school (ready for Monday) then please let me know. It is also worth considering whether your child is already doing many or just a few activities and therefore if they would be interested and able to practise cello 4 or 5 times a week to make the most of it. I will assign the cellos accordingly. Although the cellos will be assigned to specific children for logistical ease, you can of course arrange to borrow them between yourselves so children have the chance to play the cello at home for a week.

On Tuesday 22nd October we have a visit from an author Matt Brown (https://www.mattbrownwriter.com/) organised in conjunction with Mostly Books the independent book shop in Abingdon. Apologies that you were not told in advance about the author visit the class attended last week, it was because I had this forthcoming visit in mind on the English side of the week although in hindsight I should have prepped for both. In essence Matt Brown will come and talk to the children about some of his books and life as a writer as well as answering any questions the children may have. We will aim to look at one of his books (likely to be Compton Valance the most powerful boy in the universe) and do some English activities around it in the lead up to the visit so the children can make the most of it. If you and your children would like to there will be the opportunity to purchase one of the authors books and a chance to get it signed. More details about ordering will be sent to you via a letter from Mostly Books, in summary if you would like to order books you can:

1) order in advance online using paypal direct to Mostly Books (who will then bring the books in on the day of the visit)

2) children can bring in a cheque in advance which I can keep safe (details of who to pay will be on the letter). Please don’t bring in cash if you want to pay in advance, cash can be used on the day (see below).

3) children can bring in a cheque or cash on the day to hand straight to Mostly Books on 22nd October.

It is most helpful if you can order in advance using the form attached as the shop can then ensure they have sufficient copies on the day. All details will be in the letter from Mostly Books. If you choose to order books please complete a form with your child’s name, class and the book choice clearly marked. If you pay online with paypal the reference needs to include your child’s name and class.

Many thanks,

Ruthy Trevitt