2 min read

Year 3 Narnia Trip and Cake Sale fundraiser

Dear 3EE parents,

We are very excited to inform you about a trip to the Narnia Exhibition at Dorchester Abbey which links to our English book this term, ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’, see https://www.dorchester-abbey.org.uk/narnia-2/ for more information. The trip will take place on Tuesday 3rd March for 3EE, with the coach departing at 09:00 and returning at 13:15.

Packed lunches will be needed for all children on the day of their trip. Please ensure you follow the Europa policy of no nuts in any of the food your children have in their packed lunch. Also the tour of the exhibition includes the chance to try some of Mrs Beaver’s spiced biscuits and some Turkish Delight. If you do not wish your child to have either the biscuit or Turkish delight please email me, r.trevitt@europaschool.uk. I will provide allergen free biscuits where required - please tell me if you would like this option for your child.

A small amount of fundraising is required to enable this trip to happen. A cake sale to raise money will be held by all the year 3 classes on Thursday 5th March and Friday 6th March. This enables any unsold treats from Thursday to be sold on Friday. It will be after school under the Canopy near Thame Lane from 15:00-16:00 (this includes set up time). Please could you provide suitable cakes or biscuits to help make the cake sale a success (no nuts in any of them please). Bring any donated cakes or biscuits to the class on either Wednesday 4th or Thursday 5th March. Please label any cake/biscuit tins or tupperware with your child’s name and class so that we can return them to you on the Monday after the cake sale.

If you are able to assist in the set up or running of the cake sale on either Thursday 5th March or Friday 6th March please email Ruthy Trevitt, the 3EE English teacher, r.trevitt@europaschool.uk

Also if you have any clean ice-cream tubs or similar small/medium sized reusable tubs which people could use to take home multiple cakes then that may encourage more sales. Please donate any suitable clean and dry tubs with lids at the same time as you bring in cake/biscuit donations on Wednesday 4th or Thursday 5th March.

Many thanks,

Ruthy Trevitt