2 min read

3EE request for lego boards and pieces to build Narnia maps

Dear 3EE parents,

This Tuesday afternoon we are planning to build 3D maps of Narnia to help us both in planning and writing our own adventure story in Narnia but also to assist us in learning mapping techniques. We will aim to build a 3D map, turn it into a 2D map and use it as inspiration for our own Narnia stories. If you and your children are able to help by lending Lego and base boards on Tuesday and Wednesday this week (11th and 12th February) that would be great. I do have some base boards I will be loaning the children, and in the class we have some lego but not sufficient for every child to build. If you feel able to bring some lego in we will try to ensure that it is not mixed up with other sets by giving specific children specific boxes to work with. However whilst I will make sure children return home with the same volume of lego they brought in we cannot guarantee that individual pieces will not get lost or mixed up so please don’t loan a ‘set’ that creates a particular model - mixed boxes of pieces are ideal.

We will be doing the activity this week on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning and then taking photos so that Lego sets can go home on Wednesday 12th February. Lego can be brought in on Monday 10th and I will carefully store them in readiness for the activity.

Thank you for your help,

Ruthy Trevitt