2 min read

Cake sale to raise money for year 3

Dear year 3 parents,

We are very pleased we were able to book an extra trip this term to visit Narnia at Dorchester Abbey. With 3EE going on Tuesday 3rd March, 3DE on Wednesday 4th March and 3FE going on the 5th March it should be a great experience for all. However, because it is an extra trip we need to cover a shortfall in the costs by raising some money through a year 3 cake sale.

The cake sale will be held on two consecutive days, Thursday and Friday 5th and 6th of March, this means anything not sold on the first day can be sold on the second. Please could you bring in cakes and biscuits on either Wednesday or Thursday 4th and 5th of March. They can be dropped off in your child’s classroom in the morning. Label any tupperware or tins if you would like them returned. Also if you have clean and dry ice cream tubs (or similar disposable tubs) that could be donated and used by customers it may encourage people to buy and take home multiple cakes.

The cakes will be sold after school from 15:15-16:00 under the shelter outside the Thame Lane entrance. If you are able to help on the stall - either to sell or to set up from 14:45-15:15. Please email Ruthy Trevitt (3EE English teacher) to let her know if you are available to help, r.trevitt@europaschool.uk.

Many thanks,

Year 3 staff team