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Books for home

Dear 3EE parents,

I will be sending children home with books tomorrow so those who need to self-isolate in the future can access the class work or in case the school closes. For those who are not in class this week, let me know if someone will be able to collect the books for them.

I will give them two Spanish exercise books called Rubio, one for maths and another one for handwriting and spellings along with a reading book, so they can do the work at home following the Google classroom work I will be updating everyday.

They will have the reading book that they are reading at the moment and another one I will give them tomorrow for the following weeks. I will let you know through Google classroom when and what pages to read.

All books can stay at home for the time being in case schools close and then we will use them for our lessons. Meanwhile whilst school remains open children coming to school need to keep bringing the exercise books in each day so that we can work in them.

Many thanks for your support,

Sofia Paez