3 min read

Distance learning - Spanish

Dear parents

I hope all of you are keeping well. I’m writing this email to inform you about the distance learning in Spanish and how carry this out.

Setting work

I will send work each week for the children to do. When working at home it can be difficult to do the work at certain times and days, so it is fine for the children to complete their work in their own time, so long as they send it to me.

This is an opportunity for learning in a practical way, so sometimes I will ask them to do some little projects; like experiments or recipes for example.

I want them to keep practising their Spanish, focussing on working on the four skills (listening, reading, writing and speaking) as best as we can, so sometimes I may ask them to make audio recordings in order to improve their pronuntiation and/or reading speed. I will send dictations, and links for listening to storytellers, songs or audios.

Each week I will inform you about the topics we will be learning so that you know what your child needs to do and you can help them too.


I would like children to keep reading every week. We will continue working with the reading books that I gave them last week. I will let children know every week what book we will be reading and I will ask them to record an audio where they will read one page of the chapter we will be using that week.

Apart from these books they can always read other books in Spanish that they may be interested in, along with listening to audio books on the internet. You can find some audiobooks on the two links I sent yesterday.


I sent an email with some useful websites with lots of resources which children can independently access to continue revising the contents or to explore and learn new things in a fun way through videos, songs, games and stories. I will keep adding more resources throughout the term.


Please keep me informed about how your children are progressing with distance learning and how they are finding the work. It would be useful if they could write some comments to me about how they are doing, so we can understand if we need to reinforce certain contents.

I will continue to update you as we progress, and please let me know if you have any queries. I will be following childrens progress closely every week and I will be contacting them to make sure we all keep in contact and try to make this difficult situation as normal as possible.

Thanks for all your support and help.

Sofia Páez