2 min read

3EE feedback on remote learning and happy Easter

Dear 3EE parents,

We thought it would be good to find out from each 3EE family how they are finding things in this new world of remote learning; if it is possible please could you reply by Sunday 19th April to the questions below. Brief answers are fine.

1) What has your child enjoyed about learning at home?

2) What have been the challenges and can you think of anything we could do that would help your family overcome them?

3) Is there any topic/concept they are finding particularly tricky?

4) So that we can adapt tasks to suit children’s interests (where possible), do you have any suggestions of things your children enjoy doing or might like to try?

We’re sorry but we won’t be able to offer live video conferencing for 3EE. The time commitment to enable this to happen successfully is quite great because to work effectively and provide pupils with feedback the groups need to be no bigger than 4 or 5, and like you we are also juggling our commitments at home. We also realise the demand on devices and broadband in each home means that it is hard to facilitate this for all children. It is great to hear how you have been setting up social calls, art lessons and Spanish conversations though and we would encourage you to keep this up where possible.

Easter holidays are around the corner and although we won’t be able to travel or see family as usual we hope you and the children enjoy a break from school work. Keeping up with reading in both languages is always a good idea but do not worry about anything else over the holidays. The children may of course have designs on TT rockstars but that’s at your discretion!

Many thanks for your ongoing support and have a lovely Easter holidays,

Sofia Morton and Ruthy Trevitt