2 min read

3EE English update

Dear 3EE parents,

We hope your children enjoy finding recording of stories on google classroom by Louise (our TA) and I. Unfortunately I read a chapter book that seems to have been too long (1 hour in total) to have uploaded successfully so I have also included a link to share the file.


This link is also in Google classroom under the ‘stories and fun’ topic.

It has been lovely to see all your children’s imaginative illustrations and engaging texts for ‘That Pesky Rat’. Louise has been putting them together to make a slide show book that we will share with you early next week so please do encourage your children to submit their illustrations and pages.

There is a slide show of the Spanish translation of the book which I also have included in the English tasks for this week. If you would like help with the pronuncition I have found a video of a child reading the Spanish book here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-OG9Qd_zSg I cannot vouch for the accuracy of this reading, apologies, but hopefully it will help you and your child if you are not native speakers.

If your child has not submitted any work (which is fine) please could you send me a short email (if you haven’t already) to let me know how they are getting on this week.

Very best wishes,

Ruthy Trevitt