3 min read

3EE English - week commencing 8th June 2020

Dear 3EE parents,

I hope your children are enjoying the newspaper project, I look forward to seeing the finished results but have already been chuckling and smiling as I read their various articles. I had fun planning the project so it is good to see lots of them are getting satisfaction out of completing it and I hope the same will be said for the next English project based around the Jolly Postman books with a topical theme!

Sorry that bug club reading resource has not been updated for so long - I have finally got round to looking at it and have tried to put children on a suitable level to match their interests and abilities. Please let me know if the texts are too challenging or too simple. It is a resource that provides electronic books with embedded comprehension features. Either follow this link to log in or just search for ‘bug club log in’ https://login.pearson.com/v1/piapi/piui/signin?client_id=mCfHl22MzgSG9oQ21dUc3GGNPShmrgeb&login_success_url=https:%2F%2Fwww.activelearnprimary.co.uk%2Flogin-redirect%3Fc%3D0

Your child’s username will be their full first name (with a capital), so for example mine would be Ruthy. The password is Esuk3ee and the school code is jk3l (where the last character is a lower case L).

I apologise that there are no accompanying videos for the white rose sheets. This is because white rose are working on a 12 week summer term whereas Europa has a 10 week term. Also because I always plan to fit in the whole curriculum each year we have covered topics such as fractions and mass already. However I know a few children were wondering when video tutorials would be available on angles and shapes. According to the white rose timetable, videos on these topics will be published on their website for the weeks beginning the 22nd June and 29th June.

As of today I have begun teaching in 1FE and whilst it is nice to have a class again it is really sad not to have 3EE and it also means I will have less time to respond to their work but please do not let that stop your children asking questions and handing in their hard work. I will do my best to check in on their fantastic efforts and reply when I can. Hopefully the fact that the English work this term builds to a self contained project will have the added satisfaction of a great finished product they can share with family and friends.

I am extremely sad not to have been able to teach your children in person again but please rest assured that plans for next year are in progress and I will be liaising with their new teacher to make an effective hand over.

With very best wishes,

Ruthy Trevitt