2 min read

Link and instructions for parents eve meeting on Tuesday 22.9.20

Dear Parents and Carers,

It has been a real pleasure to see so many of your wonderful children coming together again to learn in school. We have had fun starting Year 4 together and the children have shown how much they have learnt since I saw them last. They have taken time to produce beautiful poems and paintings. They have explored sounds outdoors and have risen to new maths challenges with enthusiasm. We are counting in thousands now to the children’s great joy.

I have been truly amazed at the quality of the work invested in their summer projects. My knowledge of meerkats, koalas, space, spitfires, tomatoes, Egypt, wild animals, bears and so much more has increased thanks to their clear, well researched and confident presentations. We still have some to share in the coming week. Thanks for all the support you have given them in producing this in depth work.

Señora Lane and I are very much looking forward to meeting all of you online next Tuesday, 22nd September, at 6pm. Please use this link to join the meeting at 6pm: https://classroom.google.com/c/MTQ1MTkzNDg2NTk2?cjc=elzcaze

The school has provided instructions here - please do take the time to read them before Tuesday: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Fb9-wOlIHoSIHT1kn4HlVazFv-MJUMkDotcXMy7dvdU/edit?usp=sharing

Thank you to all those who are taking care to keep us safe by providing the children with water bottles, pencil cases, scissors, glue and masks for the bus. It is much appreciated.

Wishing you a very happy and relaxing weekend.

Warmest wishes,

Liz Cook