3EE Class Topics for 15 June 2020, Monday



If you like to have video lessons to go with your maths lessons choose one of these three places to do your maths lessons whilst you are learning at home. You can use these instead of your green power maths workbooks if you prefer. It is probably best not to mix the places you get your maths lessons from, so either do the power maths lessons I have set out or use one of these sites below.

Week 8 White Rose Maths

If you want to use the White Rose Maths plan and their teaching videos then you will find the videos, worksheets, and answers linked below.

Worksheets and answers sent via

BBC bitesize

Oak National Academy

Angles and shapes - recognising and describing 2D shapes

Power Maths Unit 12: Lesson 7 p.89-91

Find answers in the attached and if you want further challenge then check out the problems on


a) Spelling test

Common Exception words List C     Spelling rule
1. would     11. meat
2. should     12. meet
3. could     13. missed
4. special     14. mist
5. every     15. peace
6. everyone     16. piece
7. thought     17. plain
8. through     18. plane
9. though     19. scene
10. many     20. seen

b) Words to learn

Common Exception words List C     Spelling rule
1. believe     11. four
2. friend     12. fourth
3. because     13. forty
4. people     14. two
5. said     15. twenty
6. says     16. five
7. was     17. fifty
8. whole     18. fifth
9. quarter     19. eighty
10. women     20. eleven

Jolly COVID Postman

This is a three week project, each day has a 2 digit number before it so in total lasts 09 days

Read the 00 plan and 00 instructions then follow the activities in order:

Monday - 01