3EE Class Topics for 16 March 2020, Monday


Time: 8.25 - 8.40

Activity: Registration: change books, set up and change shoes for PE

Time: 8.40 - 9.00

Activity: PE: we will be following the exercise video available here for free (it is on a subscription site but some trial sessions are free to view) - https://watch.lesmillsondemand.com/born-to-move-free/season:1/videos/born-to-move-17-6-7-baila-with-me

Time: 9.00 - 9.45

Activity: Spellings: do test for last week’s spellings then practise next week’s; If you are doing this at home please send me your child’s score out of 10 for 1-10 and your child’s score out of 10 for 11-20 so we can continue to keep track of their progress in spelling (especially with the CE, Common Exception words).

Spelling test CE (D) 1. would

  1. should

  2. could

  3. special

  4. every

  5. everyone

  6. thought

  7. through

  8. though

  9. many

Spelling test rule

  1. accept

  2. except

  3. affect (verb to change someone/something)

  4. effect (noun, a change that has occured due to something else happening)

  5. whose

  6. who’s

  7. fare (cost of ticket or how someone gets on e.g. “See how they fare in the race.”)

  8. there (as in over there)

  9. their (as in it belongs to them)

  10. they’re (as in abbreviation of they are)

Next week’s spellings (for homework):

Spelling test CE (E)

  1. believe

  2. friend

  3. because

  4. people

  5. said

  6. says

  7. was

  8. whole

  9. quarter

  10. women

Spelling test rule

RULE: prefix in, into or negative

EXPLANATION: The prefix in– can mean both ‘not’ and ‘in’/‘into’. In the words given here it means ‘not’)

  1. inbetween

  2. inactive

  3. inaccurate

  4. incorrect

  5. incredible

  6. independent

  7. indefinite

  8. inability

  9. incompatible

  10. inflexible

Time: 9.45 - 10.10

Activity: RE: tell the Easter story as Christians believe it using the brick testament website (illustrations of bible stories in Lego), go to the life of Jesus and read:

  • ‘Last supper’

  • ‘Jesus is arrested’

  • ‘Trial of the century’

  • ‘The crucifixion’

  • ‘The empty Tomb’

Don’t include ‘the fate of Judas’ as it portrays Judas as he hanged himself in remorse, not suitable for this age group - just explain that he regretted betraying Jesus.

Follow up work on this tomorrow.

RE not covered every week hence a longer focus on it this week.

Link to brick testament http://www.thebricktestament.com/the_life_of_jesus/index.html

Time: 10.30-11.00 Activity: Maths, fractions - objective is to learn that if one of the equal parts and the number of parts is known the whole can be constructed.

Example 1:

Example 2:

Example 3:

Create more of your own fractions problems using shape and number and keep using PART, EQUAL PARTS and WHOLE, ask a friend/parent to solve them.

  • Shape problem e.g. if one part of the shape is a square and there are 5 equal parts what could the whole shape be? A long oblong (meaning longer in one dimension than another) rectangle, a cross shape, an L shape or other.

  • Number problem e.g. if one part of a plate of cupcakes is 3 cup cakes and there are 4 equal parts how many cakes are there on the whole plate?

Time: 11-11.45

Activity: Music, children will learn more violin, if they are at home they could go on charanga music, practise another instrument they already play or go to bbc bitesize, primary, KS2 (key stage 2), music and explore some of the sections found there https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zwxhfg8

Time: 1-2.00

Activity: Science (discovery of the world), food chains, try activities and watch class clips on BBC bitesize, KS2, science, foodchains and habitats https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zbnnb9q.

Time: 2.00-2.35

Activity: Touch typing and can then practise typing up Narnia stories (photocopies of Narnia stories will go home with children or be posted to those self isolating)

Time: 2.50-3.30

Activity: Times tables practise, TT rockstars log in - note this is not reliable on firefox web browser but should be fine on chrome or other browsers, if you have a problem logging in try using a different web browsers