3EE Class Topics for 18 March 2020, Wednesday


Time: 8.25 - 8.50

Activity: Registration, change of books, time to read, some 1:1 reading with teacher/TA

Time: 8.50 - 9.30


Comprehension using a music video http://mrparkinsonict.blogspot.com/2013/04/music-videos-to-inspire-writing.html and questions below it, the narrative music video is to Chris Malinchak’s song ‘So good to me’and the questions are

  • Watch the first 20 seconds - how is the girl feeling? What makes you think that? What might she be doing?

  • Pause just before a minute - how has the girl’s feelings changed? Why do you think that is? What might she have lost? What could she do now that may help?

  • Pause again at 1.42 - Has the girl’s feelings changed even more now? Why do you think that maybe?

  • Once the giraffe appears - are you shocked why? How does the girl feel now?

  • Write a description of the giraffe - what does it look like? smell? feel?

  • Research and write a non chronological report on giraffes.

  • Write a set of instructions for keeping a giraffe as a pet.

  • If you could choose any animal in the world to keep as a pet, what would it be and why? What would you do with them? How would you need to change your house to take care of it?

Time: 9.30 - 10:10

Activity: Grammar lesson on how to use speech marks (also known as inverted commas); Teaching video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-YFmLctwDY

The main points are:

  • using commas to separate what is said;

  • using speech marks;

  • capital letters used to start the speech;

  • punctuation to end the sentence go inside the speech marks;

Once you have practised using speech marks a bit with a grown up try the task on google classroom to add in speech marks. This is scheduled to appear on Wednesday at 8am. You are also asked to put in full stops in sensible places so that it is not one long run on sentence.

Time: 10.30 - 11.30

Activity: Maths fractions

Fraction notation can be used to describe an equal part of the whole. One equal part of the whole is a unit fraction. Each unit fraction has a name. Draw a unit fraction of each one up to 110 as long rectangle fraction strips on squared paper e.g. 12 and 13 would look like…so continue with 14, 15, up to 110

See google classroom for a squared paper template to use for these drawings) then answer the questions in the Power maths year 3 practice Book 3B p.122-127.

Time: 11:30-11.45

Activity: Class adventure, fantasy, crime story - the flight of the magic clog

If you are at home you could read a chapter or two of an adventure story with your children e.g. another Narnia adventure or Harry Potter or Emil and the detectives or Carbonel the witches cat (there are a second and third book in this series - we read the first book in class in September.)