3EE Class Topics for 19 May 2020, Tuesday



If you like to have video lessons to go with your maths lessons choose one of these three places to do your maths lessons whilst you are learning at home. You can use these instead of your green power maths workbooks if you prefer. It is probably best not to mix the places you get your maths lessons from, so either do the power maths lessons I have set out or use one of these sites below.

Week 5 White Rose Maths

If you want to use the White Rose Maths plan and their teaching videos then you will find the videos, worksheets, and answers linked below.

Worksheets and answers sent via

BBC bitesize

Oak National Academy

Time - Comparing the duration

Power Maths Unit 11: lesson 9 p.59-61

Find answers in the attached and if you want further challenge then check out the problems on



This week we are really lucky to have some poems and related activities presented to us by Kate Wakeling, the poet herself!

The three poems are:

  1. Shadow Boy

  2. My Ghost Sister

  3. Instruments of Use

You have all three English sessions, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday to carry out these activities.

Maybe start off by listening to and reading all of the three poems (there is a link on each sheet to a video of Kate reading that poem). Then choose your favourite one and answer the questions about it. Then on another day you could try taking a photo (use the tips and ideas on the sheet to help you) and use the photo to help inspire you to write your own poem. There are ideas on the sheet for how to write your own similar style poem.

3EE photography tips from William Parry on Vimeo.

It may be that you only have time to do one poem sheet really well over the three days. Or you may get super excited by it and do a different poem activity sheet on each day. Whether you work through one activity sheet or all three I hope you really enjoy being creative with poetry writing and photography.

I can’t wait to see the photos and poems you produce!