Time: 09.00 - 09.30
Activity: Maths: Making the whole
White Rose Lesson A Year 3 - https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-3/
Time: 09.30 - 10.00
Activity: PE: PE with Joe
Today’s Kids Workout
Joe Wick’s YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ
Time: 10.00 - 10:30
Activity: Maths: Tenths
White Rose Lesson B Year 3 - https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-3/
Time: 10.30 - 11.00
Activity: BREAK
Time: 11:00 - 11.30
Activity: English: Comprehension
Schofield and Sims Comprehension book pages 28-29 - The Story of Hellen Keller.
Read the passage and then try and answer the questions. If you get the chance then discuss them with a friend or a grown up. If you get really stuck, read your reading book and try a reading journal activity instead, see below. Spend about 20-30 minutes on either the comprehension or reading journal activity.
Time: 11.30 - 12.00
Activity: English creative writing
Use one of the interesting story starts below to write your own adventure or borrow one of their ideas and twist it a bit! You can write it using cursive handwriting take a picture and send it to me or type it and submit it that way. You can finish or improve it tomorrow.
Time: 12.00 - 13.00
Activity: LUNCH
Time: 13.00 - 15.00
Activity: Afternoon projects, choose one from the list or create your own