3EE Class Topics for 29 April 2020, Wednesday



Time: Months and years - Powermaths unit 11 lesson 1 p. 35-37

Here’s a good little video to show how you can use your knuckles to remember how many days there are in each month.


If you rush through this lesson or feel confident about the nubmer of days in each month you might like to explore a bit more about other calendars with this link to an article on the Nrich site, it tells you a bit about Mayan calendears!


Then it links to EVEN MORE information about other calendars used in history and around the world:



a) In your Schofield and Simms comprehension book read teh passage about ‘steam train stories’ on p. 32 and then answer the questions on p. 33.

b) Spend 20 minutes (or more if you’re loving it) reading your own book and then select a reading journal activity (see attached) that you will enjoy doing and do it really well.

Ortografia la letra “j”

1. Escucha el video aprende a pronunciar el sonido j.

2. Realiza las páginas 9, 10, 11 y 12 del cuadernillo de Rubio